For what seemed like the longest time, we were used to clunky light switches screwed directly to the wall. They often came off as bulky and mismatched, and if you wanted to add another switch or move something around, you’d have some serious wiring to do. That was until modular switches came into the picture
Product innovation
When you’re setting up your living space, one of the most tricky decisions you can make is choosing the best LED lights for home. So, it comes down to whether I should go for LED strip lights or LED bulbs. Both LED lights have their unique strengths and weaknesses, and if you don’t know what
Picture a scenario where the city’s power grid is staying rock solid even when flames are licking at the cables. We bet you think it sounds impossible. On the contrary, it’s very much a reality thanks to fire-resistant cables. Or a situation where hospitals are keeping their lights on during a fire emergency or
Almost everything we do today relies on electricity, from the lights and gadgets we use to running our appliances, homes, businesses, and cities. But we live in a time when the traditional use of electricity doesn’t just do it for us anymore because our needs have changed. Renewable energy, wearable technologies, and smart homes
It’s no surprise that LED lights have become the go-to option for outdoor lighting. We believe this takeover is due to several important reasons. These products are energy-efficient, easy to maintain, versatile, eco-friendly, and very durable. What’s not to love? Now, you want your outdoor space lit up at night but need some guidance
When electric vehicles became popular in the automobile market, public EV charging stations became more common. But while they solved a problem, they didn’t offer vehicle owners the convenience, accessibility, and ability to control the level of charge. So this created a new problem with only one viable solution – preparing your home for
Trust us when we say choosing the best wire for solar installations is not as boring as it sounds, but a lot of people overlook it. And then they wonder why their solar setup is underperforming. So, when you think about it, you have no choice but to get it right, and that is where
It’s normal not to think of light switch plates when the subject of conversation is your home decor. That’s because it’s a small detail in the grand scheme of things, or so we think. Only a few elements have a more significant impact on the overall aesthetics of our interior design than trendy light
We have to admit – seeing different electrical wire colors in a setup can be visually appealing, but that’s far from the reason we have them. These colors have a different purpose – electrical wiring identification, which is very important when you consider the danger associated with handling electrical stuff. Each of these colors
Thanks to its growing popularity, modern LED lighting has become a fundamental part of a home’s aesthetics and functionality. But this year, things have taken a different level, with various innovations switching things up. So, if you’re looking to jump on the LED lighting trends and give your living space the look it deserves, this